Our Disability Awareness Programs for Public Schools exist to foster a culture of inclusion through education and the development of relationships between individuals with and without disabilities.
Our Disability Awareness Programs for Public Schools exist to foster a culture of inclusion through education and the development of relationships between individuals with and without disabilities.
Attention Principals, Teachers, Parents & Community Members!If you would like more information about our Disability Awareness Programs or you are interested in adding one or more of our programs to your school, please contact us.
Testimonials""I feel like [the program] has made the school a more welcoming place." –Student [This program] has been an incredibly positive experience for my daughter. She has described her time in the program as rewarding and positively challenging. I have observed her personal growth during this process and believe that her life has been enhanced by this program." –Parent "The lessons have taught my students to have an appreciation and understanding of the differences within our class such as our learning needs, talents, strengths, and areas of growth. It has also helped the students appreciate and find value in their own learning needs as well." —Teacher The program has not only impacted my teaching but also the lives of my kindergarteners. Learning ways to foster more inclusive classroom environments has encouraged my students to critically think about our friends with disabilities, both visible and invisible, and form meaningful relationships with them in and out of the classroom. We have been exposed to many books and activities through [the program] and Disability Awareness Week that have helped promote friendship, kindness, and respect for all learners! —Teacher |